Aymara ethnogeometry: proposal of mathematical terminology for the rural school of Perú





Geometric terminology, ethnogeometry, Rural Schools, Ethnomathematics, Aymara


The present study is an approach to Aymara ethnogeometry that aims to identify mathematical terminology on Aymara geometry, under the epistemological support of Ethnomathematics and interculturality, hoping that it can have a positive impact on the learning and identity of students from rural schools in Puno, where there are problems due to linguistic interference. Within the framework of the ethnographic method, the information was obtained through visits and interviews with the Aymara speakers of the communities of the Moho and El Collao province of the Puno region - Peru, contrasted and supplemented with a documentary source Vocabulary of the Aymara language from 1612 and current specialized literature (books and dictionaries). The geometric terms were identified by equivalence and conceptual approximation, and this process showed that the Aymara language has a rich and flexible mathematical lexical background of its own to adapt to current scientific and pedagogical requirements, whether by creating neologisms or borrowing from raw or foreign languages, in case of gaps. The terminology presented in tables was written respecting the linguistic norms of Aymara, and it is expected that it will be standardized and socialized by the authorities of the Ministry of Education, and serve as the basis for future discussions and research.


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How to Cite

VILCA APAZA, H. M., & Sosa Gutierrez, F. (2020). Aymara ethnogeometry: proposal of mathematical terminology for the rural school of Perú. Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics: Sociocultural Perspective of Mathematics Education, 13(2), 66-86. https://doi.org/10.22267/relatem.20132.61



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