Esta es un versión antigua publicada el 2020-10-27. Consulte la versión más reciente.

Esclavitud como un Etno para las matemáticas en Brasil

las mujeres negras que enfrentan la pandemia del coronavirus


  • Filipe Santos Fernandes
  • Ellen de Cássia Pinto


Palabras clave:

COVID-19, Descolonialidad, Etnomatemáticas, Carrera, Educación Matemática


Considering the situation the world is experiencing during the new coronavirus pandemic, debates have begun in fields such as Biology, Medicine, Technology, Economics and, less expressively, in the field of Human Sciences. In this paper, we intend to present and discuss information that indicates how the black people, particularly the black female population, tends to suffer more severely the effects of the pandemic. At first, we made a survey of reports about the pandemic considering ethnic-racial groups that circulated in Brazil between January and May 2020. Then, we analyze how the mathematics in these reports enable discussions about the historical and current scenario of exploitation and extermination of black people in Brazil. Black women are more vulnerable to the virus in some jobs, such as a domestic or a health worker. Lastly, we propose the rise of a debate in Ethnomathematics in the context of racial inequality, related to an uncritical whiteness, demanding that the scientific-academic space – mostly white – takes responsibility for overcoming racial invisibility and asymmetry in the research.


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Cómo citar

Santos Fernandes, F., & de Cássia Pinto, E. (2020). Esclavitud como un Etno para las matemáticas en Brasil: las mujeres negras que enfrentan la pandemia del coronavirus. Revista Latinoamericana De Etnomatemática Perspectivas Socioculturales De La Educación Matemática, 13(1), 67-85.